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Scott is constantly on the look out for what matters to the citizens of Wylie. 

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Wednesday, April 10, 2024 8:00 AM

April 9th, 2024 - Wylie City Council Agenda w/links to action items

We are working on keeping updates online with direct links to the agenda, and summaries when possible.

This week the Consent Agenda was passed in its entirety.

Regular Agenda:

(1) resignation of Stephen Burkett & appointment of Kevin Hughes to the City of Wylie Historic Review Commission was passed.

(2) a re-zoning item was tabled in an effort to allow the developer/owner to have the PD amended to include a height restriction on the north side lots and is expected be represented at the next council meeting. 

Friday, February 12, 2021 3:14 PM

Automated Meter implementation - 50.45% COMPLETED

I noticed while in the audience at City Council this week that the roll out of the Automated Meter Implementation is 50.45% complete. With 6,648 meters remaining, owners should look to have online access to the 96, 15 minute usage interval data sometime in June 2021.  You should receive a door hanger on your door to notify you of the change out.  Once your meter has been changed if needed prior to activation of the customer online access, you can request the detailed information by contacting the City of Wylie Utilities Department at 972-516-6100.

Friday, February 12, 2021 3:01 PM

Addition of Fire Station 4 to Wylie

In case you missed it, I was in the audience at the City Council meeting this week where the addition of Fire Station 4 was APPROVED! This will greatly help reduce response times to our citizens and will ensure a higher level of coverage for all of Wylie.  In addition to this and along these lines are great efforts from our Fire Chief Brandon Blyth and team writing there own grant requests in order to help reduce the City of Wylie's burdens on the tax payers for much needed equiptment and updates.  As a result the City of Wylie fire department is the 2nd in the nation to obtain an Augmented Reality Extinguisher Training System, second only to the United States Air Force.  This allows for better training through simulation and reduces the costs of suppression and clean-up.  Way to go WYLIE FIRE DEPARTMENT!!


Tuesday, February 9, 2021 9:14 PM

Wylie City Council - Agape Presentation

Wylie City Council received a presentation from Agape Resource & Assistance Center today regarding a possible future development designed to serve low to moderate income housing needs.  The program is designed to target woman, many of which have children, and many of which have escaped domestic violence.

Scott believes it is clear there is a need for affordable housing and this could be a great value to the City and Citizens of Wylie.  In Scott's opinion, there needs to be a balance of infrastructure. For citizens that live next to property that has been zoned commercial, or neighborhood services, Scott thinks there would need to be an overwhelming persuasion in the favor of the nearby residents in order to re-zone these types of areas.  Sounds exciting, we will see what comes next!

Monday, January 25, 2021 4:38 PM

Scott Williams - Wylie City Council - Packet Turned in

Scott turned in a completed packet along with 112 Wylie citizen signatures, for City Council, Place 4 today.

Monday, January 25, 2021 10:33 AM

Scott Williams - Wylie City Council - Signatures Acquired

Scott along with the help of his beautiful bride, Judy Williams, was able to acquire 112 signatures from Wylie Citizens in less than 24 hours!! He is humbled Scott Williams for City Councilat the response of those willing to support him as he looks to serve the citizens of Wylie.

Friday, January 22, 2021 5:48 PM

Scott Williams - Wylie City Council

Scott picked up a packet from the Wylie City Secretary today for Wylie City Council, Place 4. Most city council elections require close to twenty (25) signatures from registered City of Wylie voters in order to be on the ballot. This election requires Seventy-Six (76) signatures due to the large voter turnout in the November 2020 election.


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